Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A sprinkle of Nectar and a sprig of Life!

When Kuan Yin Pusa the Divine Mother of Compassion holds a Willow branch what does it symbolise?

1. The willow branch represents Activity, thats why MOST ( but not all ) Kuan Yin images that hold the Willow branch are depicted in a standing or "active" position. Mainly it's Kuan Yin's way of saying its time to get up and go forth to help others. On rare occasions, you will find Kuan Yin Seated with a Willow Branch that symbolises deep aspirations or active prayers for the sake of others.

2. Another symbol taught to me was, the Willow branch represents Humility in the service of others. Adapting to the needs of others, thats why the Willow curves downwards, which symbolises the curbing of one's negative Egoistic attitudes..

3. The Willow branch also signifies Healing. Healing of the Body and Ultimate Healing of the spirit and mind. ( in Tibetan paintings, deities holding branches of leaves are said to carry the All-Healing Herb)

4. The leaves on a Willow branch also symbolise perfect inner and outer beauty. That was why in ancient China, it was very desirable to have Willow Leave shpaed eyebrows.

Kuan Yin's Precious Vase springs forth Divine Nectar and spontaneously sprouts forth a Willow Branch!

In a folk story my grandma used to tell us I always thought it was so funny, she said once a long time ago when Kuan Yin was a renounced Princess practising her meditations in a cave served by 2 attendants, there was a plague in a small village. Many people got strickened and all came to Kuan Yin's cave to ask for her blessings. At that time, Kuan Yin although was very well attained in her cultivation, she was not yet victorious over the Lord Of Death. So in despair, Kuan Yin prayed to Amitabha Buddha to grant relief and healing to the sick and dying. She was told by her Divine Teacher Amitabha Buddha, " When your Precious Vase of White Jade spontaneously springs forth divine water and a plant grows from it, then that would be the time when you need pray no more to me to confer healing, because you yourself at that time have attained the power over all diseases and to even raise the dead with the Divine Nectar" For hours upon hours Lady Kuan Yin, went deep into meditative fervor in hopes of attaining the power to Heal, but yet not a drop of water sprang forth and not a leaf had sprouted. Seeing this, her attendants Golden Boy and Jade Girl grew worried for the health and well being of their beloved Kuan Yin.

Secretly, the Jade Girl got some spring water and poured into the Precious Vase while the Golden Boy broke off a willow branch and stuck it into the vase. With utter joy, they screamed and jumped in happiness shouting to Kuan Yin that the "signs" have manifested in hopes that the Compassionate One would stop her meditations and rest her weary body. The two was ready to face any consequences that would ensue when Kuan yin finds out, but for them if their beloved Kuan Yin would have at least some rest, it was worth it if they had to be punished for their folly.

Upon hearing their ruckus, Kuan Yin got up from her seat and checked on the Vase... sure enough it was filled with clear liquids and a sprig of Willow grew from it. Instead of relaxing to rest, immediately Kuan Yin said," No time to waste, we must take this Holy Nectar granted by the Heavens to the village to cure the people and bring relief to those suffering" Without hesitation Kuan Yin rushed towards the village that was strickened with plague. The two attendants looked on in total horror of what had just happened... before they even had the chance to stop Kuan Yin to inform her what they had done she was already out of the cave, and having already attained the power of fast walking, the two could not catch up...

When Kuan Yin had reached the village, all the villagers came out to greet their beloved saint and princess. She announced with utmost joy that the Lord Buddha Amitabha had in his great kindness and compassion bestowed upon the people the Divine Golden Light Nectar of Healing. And Kuan yin promised that she will sprinkle this nectar upon the villagers who were suffering and all will be healed. Just then Jade Girl and Golden Boy also arrived, strickened with desperation and despair but unable to do anything, they watched as Kuan Yin held the willow branch in hand and waved it upon a disease infested villager.... and to their total astonishment the villager's physical signs of illness faded away before their very eyes!!! Thereafter, all whom were ill were also cured.

Later Golden Boy and Jade Girl confessed with total remorse to Kuan Yin on what they had done... at that moment Amitabha Buddha appeared and explained what had happened, it was due to Kuan Yin's supreme faith and total reliance on the words of her Divine Guru that has brought forth the power to heal, even though the water was just water, and the twig was just a twig... but by the power of her devotion, the water had turned to Nectar and the dead branch was revived with Life.... That is also why... in almost all correctly done images of Kuan Yin, an image of a Buddha will be seen as her headress for her top knot, symbolising that even after her attainment, she still respects her teacher and puts him above all... also showing Mother Kuan Yin's utmost perfection in Humility and Gentleness.


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