Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Decyphering The Da Vinci Code...WHAT FOR???

While watching ASTRO TV about various programs including National geographic, CNN World News, Discovery Channel etc. I began to wonder what is all this hype about hidden messages in paintings done by the great artist Leonardo Da Vinci?

I mean so what if Jesus HAS a bloodline? So what if he hasn't? Isn't the whole point of Christianity about what Christ taught? Where is the Universal Love he taught? Where is the Code of Forgiveness, Peace and Equality that he lived by? Where is the Devotion he shared with the masses?

I feel many of the "religious" groups of the world has been distracted and lost their way. No more are people concerned about people, but people are more concerned about hurting other people. Humanity is now waging war in the name of the Divine! What a ridiculous idea! One side blames the other for attacking them, the other side blames them back... when and where is it going to end?

Da Vinci Code is useless even if it is proven to be true or false. Unlock the secrets of Governments using the veil of "peacemaking" to ursurp the Fuel Deposits of another country for their own economic gain! Discover the Secrets of Holy Men and Women leading humanity to believe a God that would Create an imperfect world and claims to be a Perfect Entity... only to see his chosen and outcasted bleeding each other to death, crippling one another's wives and children and all that in the name of Guarding Human Safety issues and in Honoring the Name of God!

The True Divine Power is already showing its wrath and displeasure at Humanity's Masks of Deception! Wasn't the Earthquakes and Tsunami a good enough wake up call for people to care for people? Isnt a Reawakened Volcano a good enough shout for our deafened ears to hear? Isn't a Disease to be Carried By the Very Creatures of Nature that Traverse the Expanses of Earth Sky a Clear Enough message for Humanity to turn towards Love and Compassion?

With all thats happening...I feel it's just so stupid for us as people to argue whether the painting of the Last Supper by Da Vinci has an "M" that means Mary Magdalene or not, or if the figure next to Jesus was a woman of man? Maybe "M" means Man for the figure that was seated next to Jesus? Maybe "M" means Morte for Death in Italian as Christ knew this was his final meal. Maybe "M" means Mio Caro for "My Beloved" as Christ was stretching out his two hands and looked solemnly at his Beloved friends and disciples he would be leaving behind... Why can't M mean all that?

Who is to say Leo Da vinci wasnt thinking of that when he painted the Last Supper? It is so sad that Humanity now looks upon Pain, Shame, Indignity and Smut of others as enjoyable entertainment... No wonder even the Parish of every major world religion is going materialistic and lost their original essence. We stick to tradition and rituals passed down by the ancients, but we cast away the true essence and we value only the shiny shell. How sad, How sad, How sad... Woe then is humanity in this Darkest of Times and Darkest of Days. We should all try to bring a little light back. Each of us, no doubt is full of darkness but we too each have a spark, we should combine our sparks into a Lantern, for even a ray of light can cast away the shadows that has settled for 1000s of years....


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