Sunday, January 04, 2009

Ranting about Destruction Obsessed zealots

I am getting a tad ticked off... recently I have been hearing many people raise their Self-Righteous voices in destroying this and destroying that. It mostly comes from very extreme religious views. They approach me with big smiles, to "chat" with me... this is from various sects, various religions and all even... not just one or two...

Some are calling for wiping out the "Alternative lifestyles" or "Sinful ways" as its a sin and an affront to God... Some go so far as to insist it is their responsibility and job to destroy such sinful things as it offends God.

I am just very curious... God is the total embodiment of Power, Love, Peace and Patience. If something is offensive to God, God has more than enough power and ability to stamp it out himself... like he did Sodom and Gomorrah, or Atlantis, or the first born of the Egyptians, etc etc etc. Do people think so little and small of God that the Almighty One needs HELP??? If he did... how can he be Almighty? In fact... the MOST offensive and MOST evil and sinful... is the Devil/Satan/Shaitan/Mara etc... if God is Merciful to the most evil... what more any other of God's creatures whom are less?

Where do people obsessed with DESTRUCTION THEORIES get the idea that THEY are so IMPORTANT, that THEY deputised THEMSELVES to do what God himself in his Supreme Patience and Mercy hasn't even laid a finger to do? Does that mean they are supposed to ignore God's patience... and exercise their own brand of Vigilante Justice IN THE NAME of the Very God who is Patient, Kind and Merciful?

Isn't that MORE personal Pride, Ego,Power Hunger, Self-Importance and Self-Righteousness talking? NOT GOD? The whole Messiah Syndrome has just gotten to be an Epidemic... We have religious extremists claiming they can do nasty horrible things to hurt, harm and oppress people in order to help them... just as long as their heart and mind have God and Justice as their motivation... what a bunch of Buffalo kaka! Harm is Harm, Hurt is Hurt... however we JUSTIFY it... the receiver of such treatment is definitely going to be in Pain..Physically, Emotional OR mentally...

Harming ANYONE is already bad. NONE of the Sages and Prophets, ever consciously go all out to harm anyone, they did what they had to do in defence... never in offence. I have not read much, but of the various Holy Text I have read... Nver once have I come across DESTRUCTION as a core teaching of that faith... unless they are of some KKK mentality or Nazi mentality.

I am like... why are they so into destruction? Why not focus their Good Intentions into making this world a better place? Rather than minister to destroy and wipe out people, why not minister to wipe out poverty, hunger and unhappiness? Why not begin by wiping out our very own Nastiness within before we JUDGE others and go all out to Wipe out the "dirt" of other people???

I must be having a PMS day... hahaha..dunno why woke up remembering a few people I spoke to last week about how THEY feel other people's lifestyles are evil and should be wiped out... I think they should go buy some baby wipes and wipe the dirt that smells so bad from their own used diaper hearts first

*end of rant* time to cool down and have a Tiramisu and Vanilla Latte

Thursday, September 25, 2008

MICKEY MOUSE MUST DIE!! He is an agent of Satan! Who could have known that????

I received this in an email this morning, and it totally shocked me. An example of how some religious heads can go so extreme in their views that they do not realise how ridiculous they are beginning to sound.

" An excerpt ( and also on CNN and many other news coverages): Muhammad Al-Munajid: What is the position of Islamic law with regard to mice? The Shari'a refers to the mouse as "little corrupter," and says it is permissible to kill it in all cases. It says that mice set fire to the house, and are steered by Satan. The mouse is one of Satan's soldiers and is steered by him. If a mouse falls into a pot of food – if the food is solid, you should chuck out the mouse and the food touching it, and if it is liquid – you should chuck out the whole thing. Because the mouse is i-m-p-u-r-e!

According to Islamic law, the mouse is a repulsive, corrupting creature. How do you think children view mice today – after Tom and Jerry? Even creatures that are repulsive by nature, by logic, and according to Islamic law have become wonderful and are loved by children. Even mice. Mickey Mouse has become an awesome character, even though according to Islamic law, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases."

I totally agree with the scriptures about throwing away food that a mouse has died in... ANYONE with even a micro-dot of common sense will know dead creatures in food is poisonous, disease causing and well... just a bad idea... who wants to eat a rotting dead mouse?

I am so glad I live in a country, where religious heads have a lot more Wisdom, Logic and Love in their hearts to care for the poor, the homeless or the sick, than concern themselves with a Giant Foam and Velvet covered mouse being an agent of evil and corruption.

In the ages goneby, there was the Witch Hunts and Inquisitions in Europe and America, where a woman could be impaled or burnt alive merely for living alone with a cat and for having knowledge of healing herbs. A man could be killed instantly for being a heretic for being poor but being able to read and write... how preposterous!

Today, these attitudes have not change, just re-disguised in a different "costume". I guess Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse and his family of Ducks and Dogs all have to run and go in hiding now... for fear of being murdered or flayed alive...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Has RELIGIOUS zealotism turned religion into a Poison to humanity?

I find it AMAZING how people can be so foolish as to adhere to such cruel, mindless and vicious rules which were passed down from centuries ago, where people used to think the world was flat and the earth was the centre of the universe. Fortunately... humanity in general has grown and evolved, UNFORTUNATELY its religious dogmatic rules have not. Those rules I believe were passed down to protect the people of that time when it was needed to protect a nomadic community from destroying itself from internal strife. The community is no more nomadic, but there is no evolution of its rules and mores.

Religion used to be about cultivating spiritual qualities... nowadays, GONE is its very essence, and religion has turned into a poison that causes unspeakable pain and suffering.

I only hope and pray, anyone was has a heart that looks towards the Divine ( be the Divine God, Buddha or any divinity ) to bring back the essence of what religion was originally MEANT TO BE... and not a tool to be used to Oppress, Suppress and Control the masses into a herd of mindless cruel animals without any Mercy or Compassion.


An 8 year old child was caught in a market of Iran for stealing bread. In the name of religion and its laws, he is being punished. His arm will be crushed by a car, and he will forever lose the use of his arm again!!! Is this what religion teaches us? Is this what religion has evolved or degenerated into? No mercy? No compassion? No sensibilities?

No religion can ever justify such a hideous and barbaric punishment for such a petty crime ... especially on an 8 year old kid....
What is happening in the name of religion is atrocious and horrifying!!!... RELIGION...ANY RELIGION...CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT CAUSE MISERY AND PAIN IN ANYWAY, IF IT DOES... MAYBE IT'S TIME TO STEP BACK AND LOOK WHAT WE HAVE BECOME AND CHECK WHAT ARE WE REALLY BELIEVING IN... would such ABHORRENT cruelty REALLY bring us closer to the Ultimate Divine? Would the Divine in any of its myriad limitless forms really want us to fork out such cruelty in its name???

If the answer is yes, then it is either of 2 possibilities:

Humanity is doomed to destroy itself or
The Divine whom we are devoted to is neither Divine nor Holy...
think about it.....

Friday, March 21, 2008

Without the bad, does good have any real meaning?

Without Tears there can be no true Arising of Compassion,
Without Tolerance there can be no inner Understanding of Patience,
Without Sorrow there can be no Realising the value of Kindness
Without a Loving Heart, there can be no Drive to End Wars, Slander and Violence.

For who but one with a True Loving Heart, will have no Desire what so ever to bring about harm by way of Speech, Action or Intention, to anyone be they friend or foe?
For who but one who has experienced the greatest Sorrows, will Realise what a great Comfort it is to receive Kindness at such dire moments?
For who but one who has been Annoyed and Irritated endlessly but transcends it without Malice, will truly make Blossom great Patience in their Hearts?
For who but one who has shed endless Tears at the Sight of Suffering People in Wars,Disasters, Calamities, Poverty and Despair will be able to bring forth sincere Compassion deep in the recesses of our Hearts?

In short, when Life deals us Lemons that are hard to savor, experience it, transform it, and turn that which puckers up our faces into Godzilla's Grandma and make sweet Lemonade that cools down our being on a Hot Summer Day...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Remembering my friend Cuddles Kuan Yin Mew Mew Kat

To my young friend Cuddles Kuan Yin Mew Mew Kat,
Abandoned so young just aged 2 weeks or less,
So frail,desolate and weak were you the day we met
My heart was moved to with me invite you home
in hopes to make bright your life and adopt you as my cat.

Alas! My young friend Cuddles Kuan Yin Mew Mew Kat
I fear that is not to be fates's case,
For leave this world you have after only 25 days,
My heart is in pain, my mind is dazed
Regretful I am that I couldn't offer you more Happiness and Comfort
in many more ways.

Rest Well now, my young friend Cuddles Kuan Yin Mew Mew Kat
For this to my Divine Mother I pray for your journey ahead:
May your future life be surrounded by
Loving friends and family alike,
May your future nights be Peaceful
and days be filled with Light
May you feel no more Sorrow
May you know no more Pain
May you enter Kuan Yin's Divine Abode of Light
and there in Joyfulness remain....

Om Mani Padme Hum

Monday, February 25, 2008

SOurce of Inner Light

The Late Great Mother Teresa was a source of such a light you mentioned. She did not look like Miss Universe, She couldnt sing like Mariah Carey nor did she wear costumes decked with Christmas lights...

but yet she illuminated the world with her Tenacity and Faith, she became a beacon of hope for which many who were in despair found Hope and she was Lamp of Inspiration to both the religious AND un-religious, inspiring the religious to be more Devoted and Faithful, whilst the unbelievers to be more Benevolent and Better people

Makes me think... How many of us are the source of such Inner Radiant Beauty or Light of Peace to others... Do others actually see it? OR are WE just deluding ourselves with the belief that we are such a Radiant person?

Radiance is not judged by the Lamp who gives off light, but by the perceiver who sees or does not see the light, for every flame or lamp always believes IT is the brightest spark in the universe.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Facets of the Divine Gem

The Divine is like a priceless multi-faceted diamond placed on a stand in the center of the room. If one is asked to describe the priceless gem, depending on where one stands and the angle of ones vision, one can only describe what one sees from the spot and angle one is viewing the item from...

The same goes for humanity in their description of the Divine, just as our vision and experience is only limited to what we encounter and observe, it ONLY is to that degree we will be able to speak of or share... Anything beyond that is void to us or we would dismiss it as evil or in negative light...

Every angle speaks of the same priceless diamond from a different view or perspective, but even if viewed from the same angle and field of vision, ones experience and intellect will limit how expansive and insightful that description can be... Some may say... oh then that person is lying isnt it? I believe that which is shared is not a lie, it is the truth shared from that person's perspective based just on what the person understands as the truth from where he/she is standing at that time and that moment...

I mean just a few hundred years ago, the greatest minds on earth thought the world was flat... I doubt they purposely concocted up a lie to deceive the world...