Friday, March 21, 2008

Without the bad, does good have any real meaning?

Without Tears there can be no true Arising of Compassion,
Without Tolerance there can be no inner Understanding of Patience,
Without Sorrow there can be no Realising the value of Kindness
Without a Loving Heart, there can be no Drive to End Wars, Slander and Violence.

For who but one with a True Loving Heart, will have no Desire what so ever to bring about harm by way of Speech, Action or Intention, to anyone be they friend or foe?
For who but one who has experienced the greatest Sorrows, will Realise what a great Comfort it is to receive Kindness at such dire moments?
For who but one who has been Annoyed and Irritated endlessly but transcends it without Malice, will truly make Blossom great Patience in their Hearts?
For who but one who has shed endless Tears at the Sight of Suffering People in Wars,Disasters, Calamities, Poverty and Despair will be able to bring forth sincere Compassion deep in the recesses of our Hearts?

In short, when Life deals us Lemons that are hard to savor, experience it, transform it, and turn that which puckers up our faces into Godzilla's Grandma and make sweet Lemonade that cools down our being on a Hot Summer Day...


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