Monday, July 18, 2005

A Labor of Love or a Labor of Greed

Many people believe, to be a truly spiritual person we must give up all that we enjoy, all that we want and all that we desire... I wonder... is that really so? I am taking about the late Mother Teresa, yes... she did give up a lot of things which spiritual people consider a distraction or hindrance, like fetters of family life, the rush of churning a living...

But as i thought on a deeper level, I am thinking... didn't she enjoy her calling? No doubt she must have suffered a billion obstacles along the way, but she did enjoy what she was doing AND achieved what she desired as well. Maybe her "desire" was based from an inner calling of the soul, but nevertheless desire is desire and hers, fortunately for the people of the world, was to shelther, to feed, to medicate, to nurture and clothe the suffering. And all that was done from a labor of love. A willing sacrifice that comes straight from pulsing heart of Love... a heart that reaches out to touch another.

For a person of my level, I shuddher in shame to even think I can achieve or be anywhere near such greatness or perfection. I intend to eventually ( some years, lifetimes or aeons away ) BE a Mother Teresa, and although Mother herself is a Professor of Compassion and Love... I strife to be more like her by starting at the kindergarten/pre school level. At least if I cannot be compassionate, selfless and totally charitable, I am going to start by being kinder in my speech, being less quarrelsome in my attitudes and to always be aware or look for the good qualities in others. Well at least if I cannot heal the sick, shelther the homeless, feed the hungry... I can at least be less of a hindrance and annoyance to others. I believe Spirituality DOESN'T have to be Earth Shaking or Ocean turning... it can a breath of fresh air we take in at the rise of the morning sun.

Even Mother herself did all she did step by step... what's the rush? She WILL I believe carry on her good works in a new incarnation body without any impatience, grasping or craving towards attainments... but just be a beacon of peace, love and devotion to her Almighty. I have noticed in daily life : Where Impatience is, Failure is bound to be just squatting behind the next corner... Where Impatience is, Perseverence is not... Without Patience and Perseverence nothing is achieved for long term... on the short term there is a Boom of Blessings, but like a blazing inferno burns itself out... so will anything done with impatience and grasping. Firemen sometimes puts out large fires by making a bigger burst of flames within the inferno... so that all oxygen that feeds the inferno, gets burnt out by its own blaze, and it dies a natural death.

The main difference I see between the Great Mother Teresa and myself is that my struggles to make money is not bourne from a Labor of Selfless Love , but from a Labor of Self-Cherishing Greed...ha ha ha. More money more money more money!!!!!! SPIN THE WHEEL!!! WOOHOO!!! ( ok ok... labor of greedy love coz I love money $$$$$! )

* I think I will use this line as my new Creed for the year 2005 to 2006: Where is Impatience is, Perseverence is NOT, Where Impatience is failure is bound to follow*
OMPH! Boh Tea!