Friday, November 04, 2005

Video Games, Potholes and Bumps

Life is a journey travelled with many others but experienced alone. The journey is really a collection of lessons, of life's victories and of losses. It is apt to remember that each event that occurs in our lives is a necessary step to ensure another erg of wisdom is learnt and experienced to make our travel more enriching and that life is truly a story written in the fullest! With colored pictures even!

Each pot hole, each bump and curve along the road is a reminder for us all, whether we travel by a 2 wheeler with its immense speed , a 4 wheeler with its greater capacity or even by threading step by step, that these imperfections were not meant to be a hindrance to our lives, but really an opportunity for us to grow wiser, more knowledgable and confident for our future. Should the road we eventually discover in the future be wracked with more potholes, then the apparent obstacle is thus transformed into challenges that serve to evoke an excitement to improve ourselves even more!!! Of course, we don'tgo asking for problems, but live life and face life as its experiences come our way for they will arrive when we are good and ready.

Like when we were kids and playing those "driving style" video games, after playing for hours or days on a level considered an "easy" road... we get bored, and attempt to play the next level up... at the start although we may not make it to the Winning line, excitement wells up within our hearts again, adrenalin surges and we are thus "revived" to take the more difficult track as a challenge and to TEST our learned skills from the Previous level and refine them.

So... every pot hole and curvey corner in our lives if taken with confidence is like "clicking" ourselves to the next level in life's video game, to get to the eventual ULTIMATE CHAMPION level. Along the way its okay to fail, its ok to hit the lamp post... we feel a bit bad, but we should also motivate ourselves to try and try again, like the story of the spider making it's web in heavy duty winds. What's the worst that can happen? If things are rock bottom, the only way left to go is up... Just reset the game and try again ... All we can do and expect from ourselves is to be the best that we could be, and to learn what needs to be learnt in order to do that which needs to be done. Then life's journey becomes an adventure of learning, of understanding and of giving and receiving Hope.


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