Thursday, May 17, 2007

Every thing happens in its own time

For every Happy moment in ones life , it has its Time
And every moment so Sad , it has its Place,
They are all nothing but seeds of one’s own Karma,
That follows one through Time and also through Space.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy Wesak Day ( Buddha Day )

Happy Wesak Day!
On this Brightest day in the month of May,
May Buddha's Light make Bright all in your life thats Dark and Grey,

On this Day most Radiant and Bright
May Buddha's Life inspire in you, in all whom you meet and
in all whom you Love with Great Loving Kindness and Virtues Right

On this Day of Peace so True,
May Buddha's Love call forth a downflow of blessings
from all 10 directions of the cosmos to shower upon your family and upon you.

On this Wesak, where we rejoice the birth of Supreme Love and Divine Light,
May all that you See be Visions of Peace,
May all that you Hear be Anthems of Joy
May all that you Feel be an Embrace of Compassion
May we all quickly gain Ultimate Liberation from suffering
just as the Lord Buddha did 2500 years ago....

May all beings be Well and Happy
to be Free from Pain and Fear
May their days be filled with Precious Love and Divine Light
Filled with Bliss, joy and Happiness

Om Mani Padme Hum HRIH!