Friday, August 31, 2007

Be what you need to be!

Be Faithful … but not Foolish!
Be Devoted … but not Blind!
Be Kind … but not Meddlesome!
Be Truthful… but not Hurtful!
Be all that the Divine Mother would want you to be!
Be armed with a Heart of Sincerity!

Let the Sincere Heart to your way lead!
Let the Light of Wisdom, your path illuminate!
Let the Love of Others, with Strength and Courage be your Fuel!
Let the Selfless Nature, within you Awaken to see the Truth!
Let the Truth of Reality, imbue you with Power and Drive
To bring Divine Meaning into your life!

To Divine Be Faithful!
To Friends be Grateful!
To Enemies be Merciful!
To Strangers be Joyful!
To ALL be Wonderful!

Om Mani Padme Hum Hrih!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In a place that preaches Wisdom, Compassion and Universal Love....

In a place that preaches Love , why is there so much HATE?
In a sanctum that preaches Love of Truth, why promote so much SLANDER?
In a refuge that preaches Compassion, why retain so much ANGER
In an abode that preaches Forgiveness, why embrace so much VENGEANCE?
In a house that preaches Harmony, why incite so much BICKERING?
In an arena that preaches Wisdom, why be bound in so much STUPIDITY?

Oh Advocates of Truth, Seekers of Divine,
Preaching of Peace, Joy and Love Sublime,
Putting up a face of Purity
When once the face is turned around, hark! Hypocrisy!

We shake our heads and pridefully judge
Those we deem as terrorists and such,
To be beings of sin disguised in religious righteousness,
Are we sure we're not the same?
Disguised in judgemental pride we know no shame?

If we the seekers of the Spiritual Divine or ones who search for Truth,
Knowing the Moral or Divine Teachings well,
but Face others with Slander, Hypocrisy and Hate to boot.

What hope is there for those lost in Unhappiness
When religious ones behave and hate under the veil of "religiousness"?

What hope is there for those we seek to Liberate?
When by our behaviour alone our faith we Berate.

Important is Not one's way of dressing, sexual preferences nor one's gender too,
Important is Not one's color, creed nor race,
Important IT IS within one's Inner Heart,
Is it filled with Anger and Hate
Or Sincerity or Love at Heart?