Sunday, January 04, 2009

Ranting about Destruction Obsessed zealots

I am getting a tad ticked off... recently I have been hearing many people raise their Self-Righteous voices in destroying this and destroying that. It mostly comes from very extreme religious views. They approach me with big smiles, to "chat" with me... this is from various sects, various religions and all even... not just one or two...

Some are calling for wiping out the "Alternative lifestyles" or "Sinful ways" as its a sin and an affront to God... Some go so far as to insist it is their responsibility and job to destroy such sinful things as it offends God.

I am just very curious... God is the total embodiment of Power, Love, Peace and Patience. If something is offensive to God, God has more than enough power and ability to stamp it out himself... like he did Sodom and Gomorrah, or Atlantis, or the first born of the Egyptians, etc etc etc. Do people think so little and small of God that the Almighty One needs HELP??? If he did... how can he be Almighty? In fact... the MOST offensive and MOST evil and sinful... is the Devil/Satan/Shaitan/Mara etc... if God is Merciful to the most evil... what more any other of God's creatures whom are less?

Where do people obsessed with DESTRUCTION THEORIES get the idea that THEY are so IMPORTANT, that THEY deputised THEMSELVES to do what God himself in his Supreme Patience and Mercy hasn't even laid a finger to do? Does that mean they are supposed to ignore God's patience... and exercise their own brand of Vigilante Justice IN THE NAME of the Very God who is Patient, Kind and Merciful?

Isn't that MORE personal Pride, Ego,Power Hunger, Self-Importance and Self-Righteousness talking? NOT GOD? The whole Messiah Syndrome has just gotten to be an Epidemic... We have religious extremists claiming they can do nasty horrible things to hurt, harm and oppress people in order to help them... just as long as their heart and mind have God and Justice as their motivation... what a bunch of Buffalo kaka! Harm is Harm, Hurt is Hurt... however we JUSTIFY it... the receiver of such treatment is definitely going to be in Pain..Physically, Emotional OR mentally...

Harming ANYONE is already bad. NONE of the Sages and Prophets, ever consciously go all out to harm anyone, they did what they had to do in defence... never in offence. I have not read much, but of the various Holy Text I have read... Nver once have I come across DESTRUCTION as a core teaching of that faith... unless they are of some KKK mentality or Nazi mentality.

I am like... why are they so into destruction? Why not focus their Good Intentions into making this world a better place? Rather than minister to destroy and wipe out people, why not minister to wipe out poverty, hunger and unhappiness? Why not begin by wiping out our very own Nastiness within before we JUDGE others and go all out to Wipe out the "dirt" of other people???

I must be having a PMS day... hahaha..dunno why woke up remembering a few people I spoke to last week about how THEY feel other people's lifestyles are evil and should be wiped out... I think they should go buy some baby wipes and wipe the dirt that smells so bad from their own used diaper hearts first

*end of rant* time to cool down and have a Tiramisu and Vanilla Latte