Monday, November 07, 2005

Reactors and Responses

Challenges that we face in our daily lives can be either a horrible curse or a character building gift dependingon how we apply them. When we are entangled and plagued by life's problems, whether we choose to REACT or RESPOND will determine if we Suffer in Pain or be feeling the Pain but Not Suffer. Whats the difference between reacting and responding?

To react is based on one's habitually nurtured instinct... which isn't always very good. To react is to instantly lash out, blame, shout or begrudge everyone and everything around the problems that we are going through, and usually the energy that comes back at us is also one of agression. Most of us who are reactors...are truly Nuclear Reactors... awaiting just the right prod or trigger and BOOM! Explosion! Problem is most of us do not realised that most times we are authors of our own suffering, disappointments or problems.

To respond is somewhat like being aware of our little voice of conscience. We take a step back at the moment of "trauma" and evaluate the best course of action and the necessary steps needed at that time to improve the situation or at least not to worsed the matter. This is especially important when we are dealing with the likes of other people.

If we are reactors, letting go of all forms of mindfulness , awareness or understanding, life will be like constantly walking in a nuclear mine-field, awaiting only the right conditions or triggers and our whole lives at that pointin time blows up in our face. If we are respondents, what may seem like a despairingly futile situation can only potentially be transformed into an enriching experience for us to learn, to strengthen, to learn, to improve and most of all to grow in life's experiences.

Question is which one of the two are we????


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