Friday, November 18, 2005

Tough Times

Take courage! Draw Hope! Find Faith!

Tough times in life are but preludes to a gateway of wondrous blessings from our Divine Mother. Just as a blacksmith places a raw piece of metallic ore in a raging forge, to shape it into an artifact of Pristine Beauty; so too does our Divine Mother allow tough times to burn through the ravages of our body, speech and mind to remove the outer impurities to reveal to all the treasure hidden within.

As a community of Kuan Yin's children, citizens from the temple of Love and Light, we should be as the blacksmith's tongs and hammer that hold the ore and help the Blacksmith in their forging endeavor. Like those tools, we should be a community that lends Support, that gives Courage and we strengthen each other's faith that the forging period is passed with better comfort and ease! When we are able to help each other and everyone else selflessly, that is when the blessings bestowed to us by our Divine Mother transforms us into co-workers of The Divine Mother's Love and Light

Om Shri hum


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