Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sit! Contemplate! Learn!

Sit! Contemplate! Learn! Sitting in meditation or relaxation is the key way for us to calm, focus and settle the floating debris of thoughts whirling like a tornadoes in our minds. When the debris is settled, only then can the clarity in the lake be seen. With clarity of mind, all things are possible. With a clear mind, mistakes are lessened. With a clear mind, confusion and depressions are pacified. With a Clear Mind, Comes a Peaceful Heart

In times of need, Contemplate. Contemplation with a calm focused mind gives our minds the chance to discover for ourselves the solutions to our plight. For just like the ancient herbalists say that with every poisonous plant, somewhere around its vicinity is always found its remedy or antidote, in the same way, with every problem we face a solution is sure already close at hand, we but need to find it. But when we do find it, are we brave enough to face the truth given by the solution as the solution may not always be what our conscious minds expect it to be. A person in money problem "WISHES" for a lottery or an easy high paying job, but what if the true solution is to hold two tough jobs? Can we face the reality of hardships to solve the bigger pain? Solutions once discovered will always be a tool for future endeavors

Learn we must from every event in our lives, be they pleasurable or painful. It is only through true learning and understanding that we are able to evolve and grow. Pleasurable and Happy moments are meant to instill within us a Spirit of Gratitude, Appreciation and Cherishing others for each of us matter. Challenging moments are meant to strengthen that which is mediocre or weak within us. Just like Ore needs to be melted and heated to be refined into precious gold, so too are our challenges heating and melting away our impurities to reveal the gold within. Lessons once learnt will never be forgotten.

Sitting makes us Sharper in thought, Contemplation makes us Wiser at heart and Learning makes us Stronger in spirit.

Om Ah Hum So Ha


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