Thursday, June 08, 2006

Oh God! Please Forgive me! Oh Buddha! Bless me! *WHY SHOULD WE?*

Imagine if one day we should should pray: " Oh God...Please Forgive me!!" or " Oh Buddha! Please Bless me!!". And the Divine should reply in total unison... (( with karaoke echos, lightning and thundering voices resound))" And WHY SHOULD WE??"

When we pray for Forgiveness, Are we deserving of such Divine priviliege?
We should think if we have been Forgiving to those who have wronged us...
For what makes us deserving of such grace, when we grant not this same grace to others?

When we beg for Divine's Mercy, to be delivered from Pain and Suffering...
Are we deserving of such priviliege?
Have we been Merciful to those who seek our pardon, who seek our grace?
For what makes us worthy of mercy, when our hearts have been hard as stone to others?

When we ask for Heaven's Blessings, to bring about Happiness, Comfort and Joy...
Are we deserving of such priviliege?
In our lives, have we been a Source of Joy to those whose hearts are Depressed?
Have we been a Light of Happiness to those drowned in Darkness?
Have we been a Breeze of Comfort for those shackled by Despair?
For then, what makes us befitting of such gifts, when vanity entomb us from sight of others?

To be worthy of Forgiveness, we must first learn to others Forgive
To be deserving of Mercy, we must first to others be Merciful,
To be befitting of Blessings, we must first to others BE the Blessings that we are soulfully seeking for...
For why else would the divine show us any grace, when we ourselves are graceless?

Ironic but True, Paradoxical but Noteworthy.


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