Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Kindness and Spiritual Practice

Mother Teresa, the Light of True Kindness in the World

True Spiritual practice
was never about the
Moments of Kindness
we give to others but it's
about giving kindness
to others
Every Moment of Our Lives


Who you are, What you know, What you share.

Be Not afraid of who you are,
Be Not afraid of what you know
Be Not afraid of what you share.


Be Aware of who you are
Be Aware of what you know
Be Aware of what you share.

Ensure that Who you are, What you know and
What you share brings sparks of Hope, Joy and Happiness
to the hearts of all whom you chance to meet....

For THAT is the living trait of one who seeks to be an aspirant of the Spiritual Path

Sunday, December 17, 2006

look in not look out

As a Seeker of the Divine Path, many of us strife to point out what is wrong with the practice of others ( i am soooooo guilty of that ) But what I realised over this weekend is that... it doesnt matter if the other person practices correctly or not, what matters is, is MY own practice correct or not? It is so way easy to say, so and so is not Buddhist like, or so and so is very un Christian like or so and so has big anger, big ego and big pride.... question is are we sure WE dont have those very traits we fault find in others? Unless we ourselves have those faults, how do we know what those faults look like? What we see in others is usually a reflection of what we have within.

As many sages and saint of the past have done:

" Be the Comforter of the Masses,
and not expect to BE Comforted by the Masses
Be the Hope and Light of Others,
and not expect to find Hope and Light from Others,
Be the one who Receives the pain of others,
and not expect others to receive Pains from us.
Be the one whom other seek in times of need,
For THEN you know, the Spiritual Path of which you tread has bourne some fruit,
For why else would a distressed one seek comfort and solacefrom you unless there is solace and comfort seen in their eyes?"

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

On Light and Darkness

When one has too much Light - one becomes a Zealot, Dogmatic and "Holier than thou" puffed up with Pride and Ego belittling those you see "below"... enforcing "holy Values" on others whether they want it or not

When one has too much Darkness - one becomes Cold, Hateful and Scheming filled with resentment for those with light of joy ever ready to wrought Selfish vengence against them, and to bring them the very same resentment and unhappiness one feels.

A true spiritual person has a balance of both.... just like the sign of Tao's Yin and Yang. The Yin yang also reminds us, that even the Holiest of Beings has a spot of darkness within than can turn them ugly, while even the Darkest of Souls can see the Light.

Thats why, Mother Kuan Yin's eyes are constantly half closed, as a reminder to us, her children.... to ever be Mindful of our Actions, our Speech and our Thought... to maintain inner/outer Purity, Sincerity and Nobility. It is said that every spiritual person, when they are about to "break through" to spiritual attainments and realisations will go thru the Darkest most horrifying tests of their Hear , Mind and Nature, because it is through the Darkest Shadows will you find the Light. Happened to Buddha, Happened to Princess Miao Shan and if I am not Mistaken even St. Francis ( or Anthony ). In fact, I believe this Darkest of Moments has been traversed by all the Holy Sages and Saints of all times for them to reach the Supreme Light

In the Faces of those who adore and those who shun

In the Faces of those whom adore you,
Lessons of Humility and Gratitude must you find.
For how can adoration arise unless some Joy and Happiness in their life you must have brought.

In the Faces of those who shun you
Lessons of Patience and Forgiveness must you find,
For how else did aversion arise unless some offence and hindrance intheir lives you must have wrought.

Monday, December 04, 2006

To Share to Serve to give from the Heart

The Heart that Loves is a Heart that Serves,
The Heart that Cares is a Heart that Shares
The Heart that Lives is a Heart that Gives.

Live to Share
Love to Give
Care to Serve