Tuesday, December 05, 2006

In the Faces of those who adore and those who shun

In the Faces of those whom adore you,
Lessons of Humility and Gratitude must you find.
For how can adoration arise unless some Joy and Happiness in their life you must have brought.

In the Faces of those who shun you
Lessons of Patience and Forgiveness must you find,
For how else did aversion arise unless some offence and hindrance intheir lives you must have wrought.


Blogger Unknown said...

True religion never teaches us to harm, hurt and disrespect others. It actually pleads with us, reminds us and hopes for us to love, share and remain harmonious with all. Differences are important and need to be celebrated. Because only in the differences, we can learn more ways to be kinder, tolerant, and benevolant. The heart should never shut people out, but welcome all with open arms.


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