Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Essence of Buddha's dharma

The pure essence of Buddhism is not just about how many Sutras one can memorise, neither is it about how many "advanced" prayers one can recite, nor how many Higher or Lower empowerments one has received and not even how many Pristine gurus one has been tutored under.

Buddha's teachings is all about expanding the Heart to Embrace anyone, it is about transforming the Mind to Serve everyone and its about purifying our Nature to hate no one. The essence of all Buddha's teaching is to Care enough to remember those in need even when we are in the midst of our own turmoils. All that Buddha taught was about opening up the Lotus petals of Loving Compassion from in our Hearts, igniting the Lamp of the Noble Wisdom dormant in our Mind and in awakening the Radiance of the Courageous Selflessness slumber in our Nature.


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