Saturday, February 25, 2006

Spiritual Practice is NOT.... (Give and Share 2)

Spiritual Practice is not about Asking , but about Giving.
It is not about Having but Sharing.
It is not about Attaining but Harmonising.
It is not about Achieving but Transforming.
It is not about Becoming but Being.

In order to realise the highest,we must Give and Share, by that, Kindness arises.When we are Kind, we become more and more in harmony with our loved ones and enemies. In a state of perfect Harmony, there are NO enemies. That will result in Transformation of one's inner weaknesses into qualities of Virtue and Strength. Then there is no more need to BECOME but to just BE.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Give and Share

Spiritual practice is about Giving what you have and Sharing what you get.

When one is bestowed blessings from the divine, it is not just for the fulfillment of our earthly wants and desires... It is not just to make happy our friends and family. It is ALSO to be shared to all that one can reach! Blessings are not just Material Wealth... There are Blessings of the Spirit, Blessing of the Heart and Blessings of the Mind are all to be shared.

To share a comforting chat is in itself sharing of ones blessings.
To encourage a person with just one word!
Can be more valuable than gifts worth a 1000 golden buillions.
To uplift the spirit of just one heart,
can be worth more than to claim the lands as far as the naked eye can see.
To Heal the Heart and Mind of just one being is worth more than the Wealth of the World,
More merit gained than the number of hairs on the heads of all the beings of the earth.

Take courage to others encourage

Take Courage,
To others Encourage ,
To douse the Rage that lies within.

Give others Peace
To Release
The Pain that Hurts inside.

Once Departed
Despair from the Heart
Only then can Compassionate Love
In the heart once more Glow.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Kuan Yin Path is....

The Kuan Yin Path is the Path of Peace.
The Kuan Yin Way is the Way of Kindness
The Kuan Yin Doctrine is the Doctrine of Humility.
The Kuan Yin Light is the Light of Love
A Love than transcends limitations of Creed, Religion and Color

The Kuan Yin Voice is the Voice of Hope
The Kuan Yin View is the View of Equanamity,
The Kuan Yin Sound is the Sound of Silence
The Kuan Yin Focus is the Focus of Others
The Kuan Yin Touch is the Touch of Healing
in Body , Spirit and in Mind.

The Kuan Yin Heart is the Heart of Compassion
The Kuan Yin Spirit is the Spirit of Courage
The Kuan Yin Mind is the Mind of Stillness
The Kuan Yin Prayer is a Prayer of Sacrifice
To trade her happiness for one and all,
Be we great or small.

The Kuan Yin Door will open be, do we have the courage to but knock?
And with patience await the beautiful Divine Mother,
To unveil to us the beautiful path ahead,
though a path longer than the rivers
but is endowed with treasures of Mind, Soul and Spirit.
A treasure beyond Silver or Gold.....A treasure beyond compare

Om Shri Hum

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Prayer for Valentine's Day

On a day when many minds are focused on love this prayer I make:
May all couples grow in Pure Love,
May their Bonds strengthen in Great Harmony,
May each moment spent together be Blessed with Joy to Joy.
May the Love live with Harmony, and each Harmonious Moment be blessed with Blissful Joy.
May those seperated by oceans and mountains and sea,
Quickly be reunited.
May those who are single find the true ONE, the piece of puzzle that completes the picture
May those who desire solitude find Tranquility
May Love Pervade and Aggression quell
May Joy Radiate and Jealousy Fade
May Peace Flourish and Hatred Banished be.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om! Sri Vajrayogini! ***
Om! Sri Kurukulle! ***
Om! Sri Tare!***
Om Sarva Sri Devi Karuna Hum
Om Sri Hum, Om Sri Hum

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Curiously seeking Numbers

H.E Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche

I was browsing through my library of books and came across my old book of numerology. browsing thru and Re-Reading it brings back memories of my early teens around 12-14 when I was very gung ho about learning all ways mystical, all methods occult and all paths of spiritual light. Curious if I still had any rememberence of the Numerology techniques , i was think what could I "calculate", Well, I received my name JHAMPA GYATSO from my Wonderful Guru a couple of years back... never actually "calculated " its symbolism.... hmmm good as any to try it out here haha. Here goes....

1 8 1 4 7 1 771216

Consonants total: 20 + 17 = 37 = 1
Vowels total: 2 + 7 = 9
Full Total: 37 + 9 = 46 = 1
initials : J + G = 1 + 7 = 8
Missing numbers: 3, 5, 9

Analysing the name i began to realise how kind my Guru was to have given me this name. Jhampa Gyatso means an Ocean of Love, which means my practice this life time is to radiate Love as vast as the oceans to all. ( easy to interpret but close to impossible for one like me to practice )

Numerologically speaking, consonants is the external aspect of the person. Having a number 1, Rinpoche has bestowed upon me the power of Leadership, Nobility and Creativity. On the flip side, I am also to curb Arrogance, Pride and being over Judgemental of others.

Vowels is a person's inner being or their heart. Externally 1 and internally 9, which is really quite wonderful because 1 is the begining and 9 the completion. In this name itself my Guru has given an auspicious wish for me to be in total harmony and completion... now it just leaves me to finish the work and putin the efforts. 9 is the power of compassion, great spiritual ideals and supreme spiritual knowledge. 9 also symbolises the need to be loving and yet unattached. To help others but yet not caught up in the snares of worries, problems and tears.

Although the name itself lacks the number 9, Kensur Rinpoche is reminding me, that by "practising" my name ie. be loving, caring and kind to others, I will be able to achieve the inner 9's compassion and develop the qualities of the outer 1's noble qualities.

My initials J being 1 represents independence and G being 7 representing Spirituality, means i will have to take initiative ( number 1 ) to develop my spiritual qualities ( number 7) and there in will bring forth the outpouring of Power ( number 8 ). Not nuclear power but the power of realising An Ocean of Love, so kindly bestowed upon an unworthy disciple like me by the Great Bodhisattva Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche of Gaden.

Om Mani Padme Hum

Friday, February 10, 2006

Be not Impatient for...

Be not impatient for the teachings, for teachings are found in all things great or small!
- if only one will mindfully see...

Be not impatient for the powerful attainments of the Paths, for they are already present locked within the vehicles of all teachings both higher or lesser...
- if only one is courageous enough to unlock them

Be not impatient with others who the helping hand extended from our heart slights, for true care is not demanding of acceptance but of limitless giving, for then will all attainments like water flow
- If only one is ready for the Dam of pride, arrogance and attachment to quickly remove be, and let flow the Wisdom River of All Attainments

Be not impatient for anythingSpiritual or Material, For with impatiencecarelessness is bound to be lurking around the corner in wait to ambush be
- If one can only see, If one can only see, If one can only see... The dangers that impatience brings, The dangers that impatience showers, the dangers that impatience be.

Om Mani Padme Hum
Shri Shri Padme Hum
Om Shri Hum

Love Grows Life Flows


Love Grows, Life Flows,
Love Flows Heart Knows,
Love Knows Mind Grows,
Love Grows, Life Flows.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Good Book, Bad Book is just a Book

A Bad book can be disguised with a beautiful cover or finishing,
But the truth essence found within the book will eventually be revealed if it is a book of substance or a book of folly or foolishness.

A book of true substance although encumbered by lousy printing or a badly designed cover ,
If the true heart reads it, all the externals are of naught importance
For the true essence of Pristine Knowledge is untainted by outer appeareances...
and the inner wisdom of the truth contained within will blossom out like the first flowers of spring

Om Mani Padme Hum

Thursday, February 02, 2006

A cycle of Stillness, Love and Peace

A mind stilled , a Calm heart begets.
From the midst of Calmness, Peace arises.
Where Peace grows, Love follows.
Where Love glows, Compassion flows.

A shower of compassion, an ocean of wisdom begets,
From Wisdom's heart Contentment blossoms, Simplicity Blooms
In Contentment, Simplicity prevails
Therein a Mind Pure in Stillness awaits.

From a Stilled Mind, a Calmed Heart follows.

Om Shri Shri Shri Hum
Om Mani Shri Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum