Friday, February 10, 2006

Be not Impatient for...

Be not impatient for the teachings, for teachings are found in all things great or small!
- if only one will mindfully see...

Be not impatient for the powerful attainments of the Paths, for they are already present locked within the vehicles of all teachings both higher or lesser...
- if only one is courageous enough to unlock them

Be not impatient with others who the helping hand extended from our heart slights, for true care is not demanding of acceptance but of limitless giving, for then will all attainments like water flow
- If only one is ready for the Dam of pride, arrogance and attachment to quickly remove be, and let flow the Wisdom River of All Attainments

Be not impatient for anythingSpiritual or Material, For with impatiencecarelessness is bound to be lurking around the corner in wait to ambush be
- If one can only see, If one can only see, If one can only see... The dangers that impatience brings, The dangers that impatience showers, the dangers that impatience be.

Om Mani Padme Hum
Shri Shri Padme Hum
Om Shri Hum


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