Sunday, January 08, 2006

When we encounter...

When one encounters troubled times in Life... Fret Not!
When one encounters disturbing people that burn and corrode your Heart... Hate Not!
When one encounters overwhelming obstacles... Fear Not!

Fret not, Hate not, Fear not! For the Great Divine Mother is with us!
And in her Compassionate gaze will we regain the harmony of Peace.
Hold we should the Heart Essence of the Divine Mother within our own Hearts,
For therein lies the key which brings about the peace in which we seek.

For in Divine Mother's heart are the virtues of Compassion,
Where Fretfulness will evolve into Confidence and Steadfastness,
Hate will transform into Love and Inspiration,
and Fear change into Courage and Tenacity.

With each encounter is a Lesson learnt,
With each encounter is a Virtue earned,
With each encounter is a Habit turned,
With each encounter is a step closer to the heart of our Beloved Divine Mother;
Kuan Shih Yin Pusa Mahasattva.

Om Guru Hum,
Om Shri Hum,
Om Mani Padme Hum.
Om Hum, Om Hum .


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