Monday, January 09, 2006

Divine Opportunities by the Mother

In times of dire needs, when one meets with situations that hamper our progress, dishearten our morale and enshackle one's very spirit... THAT is the time we should rejoice that the Divine Mother has given us a opportunity so precious! !

When one wonders, Why me? Why me? Then one has missed the forest for the trees. One has to look back and reflect, if one had made a resolution to pratice the Spiritual Path? If that is true... THIS is the essence of practice. Without challenges, there can be no advancements, how one faces ones Challanges' jaws is how far one will progress along the Spiritual of making oneself a better person. Therefore tread it with courage, an iron clad will power and most of all with love, Wisdom and kindess.

With one's friends or alone if one has enough strength of spirit, learn to look beyond the problem in front of oneself, SOLVE the immediate problem for sure, but ALSO seize this precious chance bestowed upon oneself by the Divine mother to practice! For without the harsh words of a wicked person, how else are we going to develop and understand Patience, how are we going to exercise Restraint for the sake of developing peace? and how else is one going to develop Humilty. For it is only in situations like these will the development of the Good Heart and Noble Mind arise! Then again... maybe it's not development... maybe in some of the cases, it could be a Re-awakening of Goodness that was already within oneself , in the first place! Only it has been displaced, and awaits ones efforts to uncover, re-awaken, re-discover and to further progress on one's spiritual journey from the point where one had stopped in times of yore.

This is how shackles turn to dust and bind no more.

Om Mani Padme Hum


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