Monday, April 17, 2006

Beyond Chocolate Eggs..... Easter is..........

The true power of Good Friday and Easter Sunday is not just about a Holy Sage dying for the sins of the world... if just a simple act was all that was needed, I think many sages would have done it long ago. I personally believe, that Good Friday and Easter Sunday, tells Humanity that there is something more than just fulfillment of our own desires and happiness. It is a sign of true Universal Love where you are able to Care so much for another, that even the most precious gift you have in your hands you are willing to let it go, just so that the object of your affection has a chance to evolve and move forward.

Many Christians believe that by JUST accepting Christ because he died on the cross, his Holy Blood will wash away all sins and the gates of Heaven await them. Yes, that could be true, but many have not considered the deeper meaning of the Lord's death and resurrection. The very death scene is a process of death and rebirth in itself. Good Friday he died, Holy Saturday he abided and on Easter Sunday he arose Radiant like the Sun in the Sky. Death, Purgatory and Heaven.

If based on the sacrificial offering theory, having cleaned the slate by the sacrifice of the lamb ( accepting Christ ) doesnt the born again need to live a life of godliness? Did not Abraham himself, after being tested of God to sacrifice his beloved Son, was shown a lamb to be sacrificed? And after the sacrifice was made, didn't one of the greatest prophets of all times, live a life of true Godliness instead of a totally carefree self-serving Life? All said why are so many bending the Lord's rules to suit oneself? for eg. some holier than thou pious ones will refuse to bow before the "false idols" at a beloved Elder's funeral and thus causing inner pain to the grieving family and friends in sorrow, but these same "piuos ones" will fornicate, lie, steal, kill, covet a neighbor's wife and the list goes on. Such ignorance amazes me, if one sin is as bad as another, why allow oneself sins of the flesh but "act" all disciplined and holy when in the need arises of caring for another's broken heart? Does a bow and a simple incense erase all the powers of an Almighty God that created the heavens and the universe? If that were possible... do you really believe that God can wash your sins in the first place and bring you to heaven, when a stick of incense to a wooden block could enrage and destroy his blessing?

NO NO and NO! Looking at Christ's and his disciple's lives... Christ spent most of his ministry in aiding, healing. clothing, comforting and counseling the ones who call for help. Even after his "Father in Heaven" bestowed upon him a "new life", he did not revel in it... if we read the bible, he continued to teach, pray and advise till his time for ascension was near.

After the ascension, his disciples and close friends did not go around continuing a life of godlessness, in fact the average person went on with their daily lives, but instead now... they live the lives not to serve their mouths and stomachs also, but each erg of work they do is also done in the service of the Lord. While the disciples of Christ, went on to spread the Truth found within the Book of Love... The Bible. After the sacrifice made by Christ, it is the duty of the devotee to continue to maintain that which has been forgiven. Live as how Jesus would live, Care as how Jesus would care, Be Kind as how Jesus was in nature and be as Helpful as Jesus was to all his people and more.

In modern times, Easter Eggs are the new symbol, there are alot of Egg critics, but instead of fighting why not reflect on how an egg represents a new life, a second chance given by the Divine for us all to start afresh in living the ways of a True Christ - a life of kindness, a life of caring and a life of willing sacrifice for the happiness of others.... Happy Easter


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