Thursday, June 22, 2006

Kindness, Love, Compassion and Ultimately... Bodhicitta

Kindness is the Awareness that another person is unhappy and our Heart reaches out to bring comfort to them.

Love is the Kindness of ensuring that our beloved is more happy than ourselves.

Compassion is the Loving Kindness within us that willingly takes on the pain of others and patiently leads them out of despair.

Bodhicitta is the Compassionate Heart that strives tirelessly to perfect oneself, in order to guide others out of misery, so that they will NEVER be miserable any more...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

If truth is truth... why get annoyed? If Lies is lies... why get angry?

A vast ocean of people,
A million minds combine,
Among them many words are uttered
Some words are NOT refined.

If Truth was uttered in words so harsh,
Your Heart they crush, your ego parched.
But why do you in Anger remain?
For if truth is truth, why cover your shame?

And if Lies and Deceit is what is said...
No holds on you since there's no truth displayed,
For if with every Lie your hear , the Liar you hate,
In Hatred your spiritual practice drowns, a fearful life is then your fate.

Now, if uncertainty fills your mind
Of things about you that has been said,
Are they True or are they Lies? Have I such faults unkind?
Then it is time not on the Liar to concentrate,
But search your heart for truth within the Lie you should contemplate!

With contemplation, a clearer truth shall appear,
To let you see your true nature, do not procrastinate...
Seek within, Search within and unfoldments appear
To see the truth of yourself, for you to meditate.

Monday, June 12, 2006

There are teachers and there are Teachers!

You look! You Seek! You Search!
For a Teacher Far and Wide,
Lo! and Behold! Further you need not go...
For the true Teacher is within your subdued heart.

The Human Teacher you still must Find,
To further unveil the Teacher that sits within your Mind,
But Rush not, Hurry Not nor should you Force
For when time is right, YOU the Teacher will find.

To rush for rituals, empowerments and such,
With little understanding and the compassionate heart un-touched,
For An Empowerment alone does not a Teacher make,
A Bond of two Hearts is what it truly takes.

Examine within, Examine without
BE examined yourself before a bond you make,
For once made the bond is adamantine strong,
A life time ahead and all lifetimes ahead, it lasts forevermore.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Oh God! Please Forgive me! Oh Buddha! Bless me! *WHY SHOULD WE?*

Imagine if one day we should should pray: " Oh God...Please Forgive me!!" or " Oh Buddha! Please Bless me!!". And the Divine should reply in total unison... (( with karaoke echos, lightning and thundering voices resound))" And WHY SHOULD WE??"

When we pray for Forgiveness, Are we deserving of such Divine priviliege?
We should think if we have been Forgiving to those who have wronged us...
For what makes us deserving of such grace, when we grant not this same grace to others?

When we beg for Divine's Mercy, to be delivered from Pain and Suffering...
Are we deserving of such priviliege?
Have we been Merciful to those who seek our pardon, who seek our grace?
For what makes us worthy of mercy, when our hearts have been hard as stone to others?

When we ask for Heaven's Blessings, to bring about Happiness, Comfort and Joy...
Are we deserving of such priviliege?
In our lives, have we been a Source of Joy to those whose hearts are Depressed?
Have we been a Light of Happiness to those drowned in Darkness?
Have we been a Breeze of Comfort for those shackled by Despair?
For then, what makes us befitting of such gifts, when vanity entomb us from sight of others?

To be worthy of Forgiveness, we must first learn to others Forgive
To be deserving of Mercy, we must first to others be Merciful,
To be befitting of Blessings, we must first to others BE the Blessings that we are soulfully seeking for...
For why else would the divine show us any grace, when we ourselves are graceless?

Ironic but True, Paradoxical but Noteworthy.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Dressed To Kill! Gets to Kill!

While I am on the political bandwagon discussion fervor... here's a thought ... I dont get the statement Bush and Blair made about a week ago. They confronted the fact that they made a grave mistake about Iraq having Weapons of Mass destruction.... and they are sorry... ( yeah, yeah! Sob! sob! Cry! Cry!.) And admitting that to the whole world, the people ( US and other army personel and the reporters and citizens) that died over that tragic mistake, what about them? Are their families supposed to just say "oh ok, since you are able to admit your wrong doing ... all is forgiven?" err... hello....???? Leaders of Two Economic Great Powers??? It DOESN'T Make it better just coz you admit to the world of your stubborness, stupidity and impulsiveness...

I wonder what they would do if the very same terrorists went public and said, " oh we're sorry, we only meant to tear down the building withour suicide bombers, it was a grave mistake so many died and suffered... we are sorry" Would they still have mowed down the people? It doesnt make the devastation of what the suiciders did any more acceptable coz it IS NOT! But... it does paint a picture returning an eye for an eye gets you two half blind people.

The devastation War and Violence has cost the world, was far worst that what the labelled terrorists had caused them, looks to me its just "Terrorists in Armani Suits" fighting "Terrorists in Linen Robes". I guess just the fact that if we dress to kill, then we have the license to cause pain, poverty and death, doesn't make any sense at all. Its like dont kill me just coz I am "smoking" elegant ( no pun intended )

Hmmm... Maybe if someone would wear a Karl Lagerfeld designed fully Crystal Studded Silk Red Gown and Tiara, then go to a Crowded Place and kill people with a Stilletto Throw Dart ( dont call me babe..) or shoot them with an Ultra Sleek Powered in Scarlet Red 089 color Lipstick Gun... and then say sorry, maybe that would make it alright...Tres Bien Non?

Hence the mantra of the day is : Omph! I, the one Dressed to Kill! GETS to kill! No Questions asked!
p/s: whats with the shaded eye thing anyway??? like people who know them won't recognise who the heck they are..duh!lolol