Monday, June 12, 2006

There are teachers and there are Teachers!

You look! You Seek! You Search!
For a Teacher Far and Wide,
Lo! and Behold! Further you need not go...
For the true Teacher is within your subdued heart.

The Human Teacher you still must Find,
To further unveil the Teacher that sits within your Mind,
But Rush not, Hurry Not nor should you Force
For when time is right, YOU the Teacher will find.

To rush for rituals, empowerments and such,
With little understanding and the compassionate heart un-touched,
For An Empowerment alone does not a Teacher make,
A Bond of two Hearts is what it truly takes.

Examine within, Examine without
BE examined yourself before a bond you make,
For once made the bond is adamantine strong,
A life time ahead and all lifetimes ahead, it lasts forevermore.


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