Thursday, September 07, 2006

Going Against the Tide to Flow with the Ocean

Be Loving and Forgive those who break your heart
For only with Love and Forgiveness will your heart truly heal.

Be Patient to those whom your name Tarnishes
For only through Patience will you glimpse your Nature of True Compassion

Be Merciful to those who try to bring you Harm
For Mercy is deserving of them should they continue their harmful nature, a place of darkness will await them at the tunnels end.

For only by going against the tides of Harmful instincts that incite Vengence in your hearts, will you find the flow of harmony that calms the tides of unhappiness.

Be True to your Spiritual Path... LOVE and FORGIVE!
Be Persevering in your Spiritual Practice!... Live PATIENTLY!
Be a Blessed One of your Spiritual Deity!... Show MERCY!
Be a Blessing to others! .... Be JOYFUL and CARING
....Just as you too wish the Divine to bring Blessings of Auspiciousness into your Life and Home

Om Mani Sri Hum


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