Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Kindness of a Wicked One

How kind are the ones who distort, contort and deliberately pervert the teachings of the great sages.... By doing so, they are subjecting themselves to a tidal wave of karmic retribution but there are lessons and benefits that arise from it for us to learn, if we are willing to to learn it. In this way, unknowingly, the distorted ones are being kind to us, to give us a chance to learn as an observer and not a sufferer of retribution. The Religious ones fight to show the true devotees, what a False and Fake devotee looks like so that the real deal don't make the same mistakes as the falsies are making.

- A Hateful Christian is not following Christ, how can they when Christ is about Love?
- A Chaos causing Muslim is not following the Quran, how can they when the Quran is about Peace?
- A Violent Buddhist is not a devotee of Buddha, how can they be when the Buddha is about Non-Violence.
- An Arrogant Hindu is not a practitioner of the Vedas, for how can they when the Vedas stress in Humility in the Service of Godliness.
- A Destructive Pagan is not a follower of Mother Goddess, how can they, when the Mother Goddess is about Preservation and Nurturing.

In the end it doesnt matter what -isms we follow , nor what deities we worship, for if our hearts are full of Pride, Hate, Violence, Envy, Prejudice and Selfishness, we are on the way to a very ugly place after death.

As people we are not whatever -ians or -ims or -ists, we are all just people looking for Happiness where we can for our Family and Friends, to be among loved ones and to Loved and Cared for in times of need and to share our Joys in times of Plenty.


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