Sunday, August 20, 2006

Chunti Pusa makes a visit but doesnt stay.

Today a very close friend of mine brought over a 24 armed Kuan Yin to show me also today... how auspicous!! She seems to be appearing to me everywhere I go the last two days!!! I see her in the most unexpected places! I so want to invite a statue of her in her multi-armed divine mother form home but looks like I do not have the merits to have such a Divine being in my home.

This form of Kuan Yin is our Divine Mother in her fiercest of forms, the form of Chunti Pusa. This form is supposed to reflect the metaphor of a Mother Lion tending her cubs.

On the peaceful aspect, this is the form she took, just before her supreme compassion was said to manifest. She goes in succession of 2 arms, 4 arms, 6 arms, 8 arms, 12 arms, 16 arms ( or 18 arms ) and 24 arms. Thereafter, out of such an intense wish to help all beings everywhere in all worlds and all times, her aura was said to burst into a a rainbow of 1000 hands and 1000 eyes.

2 - 8 arms represent the essence of practices : 2 = Wisdom and Compassion, 4 = the power of 4 perfect givings/charity. 6 = the perfection of the 6 Paramittas.

The higher number of arms are said to actually depict the treasure map to achieve her path and gain her blessings and attainments. Since we are unable to directly hear her, she reveals her profound path of contemplation through her forms. Also... one of the specialities of the 16/18 arm Chunti Kuan Yin is ... it is said all the 16 arhats ( 18 in chinese mahayana tradition ) will rush to her aid, or any of her true hearted devotees and Kuan Yin's works is always said to take priority over all else for them.

In her 24 arm aspect, she is said to reveal to her children, that after one has purified the 6 aspects of the Mind, 6 Aspects of the Heart and 6 aspects of the Nature (Body speech and mind) , and Perfection of the 6 Paramittas is achieved, then the "next step" is to manifest Ultimate great Bodhicitta... ie. 1000 hands and 1000 eyes.

Whether as the Warrior Matron or Nurturing Mother, this form of Divine Kuan Yin is truly unsurpassed and all pervading in her Love and Compassion, reflected in her protection in 24 aspects of our lives. Protection not meaning totally free of problems, but protection that WHEN we meet with problems she will be the pillar of strength and inspiration, supplying the devotee with a Warrior's Courage and Fervor to transcend ALL that hinders you in Spirituality and in Daily Life.

Her mantra: Om Tsale Tsule Chunti Svaha


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chundi according to the scriptures has only 18 arms

6 for blessing/pacifying obstacles
6 for the advancement of action(pacification, increase, control and wrath)
6 for the advancement in the holy tantra


Blogger Ocean Of Love said...

yes the common aspect of Chundi Pusa has 18 arms with the central arms formingthe Chundi Mudra, but throughout many traditions around the world, Chundi Pusa's arms range from 4, 8, 16, 24,31 and 1000.

-In Java, at the Tyandi Mendut Temple you will see Chundi Pusa with 8 arms.

-In the Japanese Tantric tradition, paintings of Garbha-kosa mandala she is also figured with 8 arms

-The Chundi Sadhana describes her 4 armed aspect as being red in color and semi wrathful

- In the Sarvagna Parsad she is seen with 16 arms, the Warrior Mother

... thanks for the added info CHill, I didnt know about her 3 aspects of 18 that you have just stated for me... thank you I will add that to my notes on CHundi Pusa :)


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