Monday, September 25, 2006

I love all beings but......

Many Religious hearted ones when discriminated upon because of their faith will fight back like a Tsunami gone wild, isn't ironic that these are the same people that discriminate others just for loving someone that doesn't fit into a perfect cookie cutter mold, or at the very least whom they choose to sleep with. Adulterers are often just given a slap on the wrists, many a preacher/priest/pastor have fallen due to weakness but EXPECT everyone to forgive them coz they have EXTERNALLY shown repentence... question is will they extend the same Compassion and Mercy upon others in a similar predicament?

" Do unto others, what you want others to do unto you"
"Love thy neighbor as thyself..." ( I dont see the scriptures saying love ONLY the virtuous and straight neighbor, you can hate the rest and send them to the gutters)
" I will lead all sentient beings to enlightenment... ( the bodhisattva vow says ALL... not some )
----- and many many more holy texts that can be quoted upon

Persecute someone for their sexuality/gender/race/faith , expect oneself to be persecuted in turn
Be unmerciful to them, then expect NO mercy from others when WE fall... and we all will one day.
For IF they are truly the lost ones, shouldn't the Faithful be the ones to show them the Love of Divine? Not just by quoting the text but living it as part of life. The faithfuls are the ones that reflect the image of the Divinity on earth... by being Bigots, Racists or any negative -ists we are reflecting the image to the world... the Divine looks like THAT too...especially when we declare out loud ... I am in THAT religion! I am saved.


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