Monday, September 25, 2006

Would you like to Spend eternity with a Bible Thumper?

Hindus, Taoists and Buddhists all believe Divinity is present in everything. Even an apparently Wicked one has a place in the Grand Cosmic plan... If Judas did not do what he did, Christ wouldnt have been sacrificed as the lamb. Judas played his part by allowing himself to be despised for all eternity, so that we can all learn lessons of loyalty... so that the plan of God can be put into action... If Devadatta did not constantly try to kill the Buddha, Buddha's way of peace, forgiveness and Loving Kindness wouldnt have been shown for us to learn.

Personally I believe, if you we can be Christ-like, Buddha-like or God-like- live life in Love, Care and Sharing with others as Christ and the sages did, why wouldn't the Omniscient one save that person?

Imagine: A SAVED "holy man" who seems "Filled with the Holy Spirit" but is hurtful to the hearts of others in words, unsharing in action or a Pacifist who educates the world in Jesus Christ's ways of Peace and Harmony but is not a christian, but who puts himself/herself out there to share the Love of the Divine with all who are sick, homeless and in despair ( not just Lip Service: God saves, god Loves you)....

Who would "God" send to Heaven at the end of it all? Would you like to be Praising the Lord in midst of nasty and mean people who curse you with brimstone and fire for all eternity? ( Habits die hard, if they were that fiery on earth, that won't change in a poof )

Divinity is found in all things... True Divinity is Unconditional Love... to say I will only Love and Care for you if..XXX.( place your condition here ) is already a first sign of imperfect love.


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