Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Inner and Outer Ones Divine

"Outwardly the Divine Ones are seen in Myriads of Form, Myriads of Styles,
Inwardly the Divine Ones are seen in Rays of Radiance, Rays of Light"

Essence of Buddha's dharma

The pure essence of Buddhism is not just about how many Sutras one can memorise, neither is it about how many "advanced" prayers one can recite, nor how many Higher or Lower empowerments one has received and not even how many Pristine gurus one has been tutored under.

Buddha's teachings is all about expanding the Heart to Embrace anyone, it is about transforming the Mind to Serve everyone and its about purifying our Nature to hate no one. The essence of all Buddha's teaching is to Care enough to remember those in need even when we are in the midst of our own turmoils. All that Buddha taught was about opening up the Lotus petals of Loving Compassion from in our Hearts, igniting the Lamp of the Noble Wisdom dormant in our Mind and in awakening the Radiance of the Courageous Selflessness slumber in our Nature.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

True Heart of Charity is....

The True heart of Charity is...
to give what others refuse to part with
~ KYCO Teachings March 18th, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Someone asked me,and so I replied...muahaha

Someone asked me: Can Born Again Christians Read The Quran or the Holy Texts of Heathen Religions? I Simply Cannot Bring Myself To Read any Part Of it because The Holy Spirit Simply Wouldn't Allow it!

Upon reading that I realised how deluded and full of ourselves, we who are religious or spiritual can be and NOT SEE how ridiculous we sound sometimes. I admit I was a tad annoyed with his question and I tried to be as level headed in my reply as my lack of patience brain would allow me. I replied:

" Oh Dear, oh dear!!!! Then you better have your pastor or priest pray for you. The Lord, The Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit will NEVER control your actions as they have given you the Divine Gift of Free Will. If they can arrest your will, they would have forcefully done so from the time of Adam and Eve, and humanity wouldn't be left with such a big mess for thousands of years... dear man, You could be spiritually polluted due to lack of commitment and faith to Jesus.

If a "Spirit" controls youinto thinking that you are not allowed to do something, its probably not the spirit of the Holy variety, as the Holy Spirit would always give you the choice to commit or not to commit an act, be it benevolent OR Malevolent.

A Christian born again or otherwise should be able to read ANYTHING. There are protected from Spiritual Pollution by the Blood of the Holy Jesus that you have asked for WHEN you were born again... Any doubt in its protective qualities is not the lack of power in Christ's Blood, but the lack of powerful trust and faith on your part.

If faith is truly within you, reading ANYTHING good or evil will not move your heart away from God, but instead, strengthen your resolve, your devotion and your faith towards Jesus... in fact it would have inspired you into realising that Jesus True path for YOU as no other faiths can or have inspired you as such.

Think about it... are you SURE you are guided by the Holy Spirit or Mesmerised by other forces of Spirits?"

Friday, March 09, 2007

Journey Along the Beaten Path

As our search for truth is going to probably be a life-long journey, the best way I was told by Lama Zopa Rinpoche ( a Buddhist Monk ) is to take it at a moderate pace.

Most people start of with 110% energy and zeal, and along the way lose steam and fall off the beaten path.... Your search for truth is not a 100 meter dash... it is a 40km marathon run, we need to pace ourself.

When our search seems futile, taper off a little keep everything to a bare minimum ( but never totally zero ), take a break, and when we are well rested, hop on again and the journey continues.

In our search for truth, even depression and despair is an answer, it tells us how durable we are in moments of stress, it helps us humble ourselves, and it also gives us the knowledge to understand others in the same state when they appraoch you for help in the future.

FOr our answers, all we can do is look within, for your inspiration what we can do is look without, towards others who are doin well to inspire us and towards others who are in pain and despair to empower us towards developing the power of Kindness and Love to WANT to help others with fervor ( paraphrased from Mother Teresa , that was how she did it, Look within in prayer... Look without for inspiration )

Just as all our obstacles are self-produced, so too can our heart self- produce morale to uplift itself. And we should take a moment to remember that every saint, every sage, every peace advocate had to face the most troubling moments and the most lowest of times, which they then transcended and arose Strong, Adamant and Unmoving in their resolve to complete whatever they had set out to do...

e.g: Gandhi, Her Eminence Mother Teresa, His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Jesus, Buddha, Kuan Yin. St. Francis, Joan of Arc, Stephen Hawkings, Hellen Keller and many many more such individuals who brave through the worst of times and their stories inspired and encouraged MILLIONS of people all round the globe and through the ages.