Friday, September 29, 2006

Why no confidence in one's Spiritual Path?

I don't understand why some religious people get so "worked up" when books/articles/questions are presented to question their faith. If one's faith is strong, then questioning AND being questioned should served to help us discover the truth behind it to further expand our knowledge and deepen our faith isnt it? Or is our idea of Faith so fragile that it needs to be kept under Museum Security or it will shatter.

If Divine's path and power cannot stand up to a few questions from what the religious minded calls slanders of the Evil Ones... are these same religious people then saying Divine's Wisdom, Knowledge and Power are beneath that of the Devils?

Being a Believer and having faith is meant to Liberate you from Fear, but if it causes you confusion and doubts, it is time for you to CLEAR those doubts, the "Devil" CANNOT do to us what the Divine hasn't allowed him to do, for the Divine ALWAYS reserves a way out for you in EVERY trial he puts you through. We came to this earth with a brain to think. analyse and grow in intellect and use it... Humans were never meant to be robots to just believe blindly.... THAT is reserved for terrorists and domesticated farm animals....


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