Saturday, December 03, 2005

We are the Heart of Peace

All of us have little brooks, rivers, puddles and longkangs to cross before we face our Ocean of Samsara to reach the Ultimate Shore of Enlightenment. As friends or dharma siblings let's support and assist one another to brave the little puddles and ponds we face while we strive to work towards one day taking on the great Ocean of Samsara.

Let us not Judge but encourage, let us not Criticise but Advise, let us not SHOUT but Listen with a True Heart and most of all, let us not Slander the ones we despise but Find the Good in them. Let us Harmonise in the face of Chaos that our heart's compassion will open as we pray for World Peace in which WE as its citizens IS the HEART.

Be Kind, Be caring and Be Helpful


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