Sunday, October 08, 2006

My faith is NOT a religion... so what?

Religion is losely defined as a belief in a God or Goddess OR a Pantheon of Gods and Goddesses that are responsible for the creation of the world.

What I find funny is how people like to argue on the meaning of the word.... My faith is NOT a religion, but a relationship to God or My Faith is NOT a religion but a way of Life, my path is NOT a religion but a way to reunite with the Divine Source yada yada yada.... Its a Whole Potato ( Po-Tay-Toe ) and Potatoe ( Poh-Ta-toe ) issue its just a definition. You can call it Ben and Jerrys and its still gonna be what it is. Just a word/label to define it... the essence ain't gonna change

Who is the creator? WHo has Seen the creator? Who can confirm with 100% proof that their version of the Creator is THE ONE? If religion wasn't part of the "creator's" plan, she/he wouldnt have ALLOWED it to manifest and flourish like it has... either in a positive or negative light. Therefore, I believe we should get over arguing WHY it is NOT a religion but...

Instead get over the labelling but find a harmony between the good essences of each and every benevolent path, and propogate that... I think its way better than killing each other for the differences between them.


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