Sunday, October 15, 2006

Selfless Love or humbug?

Intense Selfishness, Self-Cherishing and Self-centredness is the reason why Selflessness is almost non-existent in the world nowadays.

Everyone wants to be happy, No one wants hurt or pain. When extending a hand of help or kindness, Fear of rejection grips most people. Also, self-benefit almost always springs to mind, like "will it benefit me if I help?" Worse, " Will I get roped into trouble if I help? Like will this person hound me all the time to be a pilalr of strength?"

Selfless Love for others is not to totally be ignorant of our own needs, but I believe it is putting the needs of our Loved Ones before ours be they Family, Lovers, Friends or Colleagues. If we because immobile, obsolete and in need, then who are we able to help and love when we ourselves are a nuisance?

Selfless Love is an easy practice to preach, a 5 year old can quote it but an 80 year old will find trouble applying it. Because to be able to feel selfless love, someone out there must first show what suffering is, so that Kindness, Compassion and a Caring Heart rises in our being... Mother Teresa was a wonderful example of Selfless Love. The locals were against her for fear of her converting them and causing family feuds, the vatican ex-commed her for disobeying their instructions ( from autobiography books ) and the overwhelming numbers of homeless, sick and unloved was really beyond a simple nun with only a few rupees to her name. Yet she stuck it out.... Selfless Love is Sacrificial Love... Mothers sacrifice their strength, their bodies and take the pain to love and protect a child....

Not many of us are willing to sacrifice our comforts for anything or anyone... Try taking my last tub of Rocky Road to love someone and you will hear the loudest screech of protest ring thru the sky lol :) lol


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