Saturday, November 04, 2006

What is the ONE true religion?

While I was shopping an evangelist came up to me and told me he wanted to share with me some good news, I was in a feisty mood today so I entertained him. He asked me; " I believe Jesus is the ONE true God, and I know his Way is the ONE true way to heaven. Do you know if your religion is the ONE true way?"

I answered: How do you know? Have you died and gone to Heaven then come back to testify? We are all just gamblers when it comes to faith and devotion, the reason why religious groups from Christians all the way to Buddhist, try to snare everyone into their little net is because... JUST in case we are wrong in our choice we dont wantto go down alone! He was totally horrified at my answer hehe. I laughed it off though... THEN I answered, I know my Buddha and his path is the one True Divine, the same way YOU know Jesus and his path is your one True Divine.

The ONE true religion, is the religion that brings YOU Happiness in your Mind, Peace in your Spirit and Devotion in your Heart. SO if Jesus works for you...Wonderful! And since Buddha works for me, why dont you just be happy for me? Would it serve you better if I was miserable and in tears?

Dear boy, Any religion that you enter but brings you Confusion, Fear and Uncertainty is then truly the wrong religion because lets face it, with or without religion we are already constantly in Fear Confusion and Uncertainty, why go into a Faith that adds more crap into your Heart and Mind?

I said goodbye then went on in search for my cat food, while he stood there totally stumped and confused. Poor boy...


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