Monday, December 05, 2005

Dharma from Pets

Value every being around you! Take not for granted any one, even if that being is an adopted friend called a pet. For they have shown us kindness in taking rebirth as an animal to teach us many valuable lessons in life!

A pet teaches us the basic lesson of humanity's values and virtues. They teach us to value friendships, to adopt a heart of giving and to bring happiness to others. A pet brings that kind of energy into any one, be they young or old and even a person with the hardest hearts and darkest of souls will soften down and brighten up in the presense of a loving loyal pet.

Pets listens if we want to speak, and many intuitively "know" when their human friends are in need and they will offer all that theyhave in order to bring happiness into the human's life! In return the pet friend asks for the most basics of necessities, Like food, water, shelther and loving affection.

It is a shocking revelation when I finally realise that pets and animals are teaching humans to remember how to be humans and treat each other with heartfelt humanity... the forgotten spirit of human values.

For those who have adopted animal friends into their homes as a pet or as family, rejoice! rejoice! rejoice! For you very blessed indeed, blessed indeed! You have been blessed by the divine with a gentle lesson and chance to learn how to care for another being who will from that moment be totally dependent on you for its happiness, health and survival. And in return, you will receive selfless affection, power of a gentle heart and the gift of lifelong friendship. Cherish them cherish them, treat them well, treat them swell, for it is in giving true friendship to others that we will receive the best qualities of a friend in our lives.


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