Saturday, December 17, 2005

A prayer to the divine mother

Hum! Great Mother of Compassion, Kuan Yin!
If there be any signs, please reveal them to me, I pray.
If there are any miracle, please bestow them upon me, I pray.
If there are any messages, please tell me, I pray.
If there are any dangers, please protect me, I pray.
If there are any obstacles in front of me, please warn me I pray.
If there are any valuable lessons to be learnt, I pray that you please teach me...

Om! Great Mother of Boundless Love, Tara!
Help me - to learn how to hear your nectar-like voice of Love in all mantras, all voices, all sounds.
Guide me - To be aware of your teachings that manifest themselves in each and every incident, event and encounter throughout my daily life.
Inspire me - To develop skillful means in bringing comfort and confidence in the hearts of other to relieve them of pain, and in turn may I understand deeply the way to relieve my own pains and in time to relieve All Pains!
Lead me - To be a your light in the lives of others and in turn to find the light in others that may they and myself grow together in light from a Spark to a Beacon.
Bless me - To realise the Wisdom Teachings and Compassionate Practices of each and every Dharma Door both Great and Small.

To You, Great Mother with a multitude of forms manifested to care for the multitudes of beings in the 10 directions, and yet is beyond all forms, I bow down.
To You, Great Mother whose voice calms the most turbulent minds and heals the most shattered of hearts, I give praise!
To You, Great Mother! Who binds not but liberates, Punishes not but guides, Asks not but gives, Discourages not but empowers, to you Divine Mother, I humbly seek refuge!

Hum! Sri Guru Om, Sri Guru Hum!
Hrim! Om Shri Hum! Om Shri Hum!
Hrih! Om Mani Padme Hum! Om Mani Padme Hum!
Tam! Om Tare Hum! Om Tare hum!
Om! Om Hum! Om Hum!


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