Thursday, December 22, 2005

Simple acts

A Simple act of Kindness can another's Saddened heart be changed,
A Simple act of Kindness can our own Burdened heart unchain.

A Simple act of Care can in others courage give,
A Simple act of Care can our heart courageous be.

A Simple act of Help can in others Hope arise,
A Simple act of Help can boundless our Hopeful Hearts be.

A Simple heart of Noble thoughts can a beacon of Love for others be,
A Noble mind of Simple needs how Happy our life can be.

A Loving Heart with thoughts of Light, can comfort to others bring,
A Mind of Light with acts of Love, to ourselves a happy life we bring.

A Virtuous Mind, A Compassionate Heart from a Simple one creates,
A Sagely one, A Being of Light from a Simple act begins....


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