Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Spiritual Arrogance, the Bane to All Spiritual Advancements

Spiritual arrogance is a giant bane to many a practitioner set upon the path of Inner evolution. It's poison and talons are so subtle, many a times it eludes even the most advanced of practitioners to the fresh beginner. It is when one feels one is DEVELOPED, ATTAINED or ADVANCED and especially when pridefully one feels BETTER or MORE QUALIFIED than the next person without actual substance, THAT is when one will see the stagnation and regression of one's practice.

Arrogance stops the flowing tide of ones inner spiritual river of wisdom and learning. The overwhelming greed for recognition that is needed to feed one's Spiritual arrogance dries up all that which flows within oneself. The river of learning, the brook of insight or even the stream of inner knowledge and knowings. It stunts all that grows and kills that which is fruitioning beneficial virtues or flowering of noble qualities.

Spiritual arrogance deludes oneself from true sight. It cajoles one to believe that which is Hollow is full of attainments and virtues. It distorts ones understanding into believing that which is helpful advice to be harmful criticism, it provokes the seething Ego to lash out into wicked criticism and belittling of others, berating their Spiritual path or Practice and up to even taking charge and meddling into the daily lives of others who asked not for help.

Be aware of Spiritual Arrogance,
Be awakened from the lulls of Spiritual Pridefulness
and Be Mindful of the dangers wrought by Spiritual Haughtiness,
For if one loses focus of them these 3 can bring certain defeat!

Keep Awareness by the Practice of Simplicity!
Stay Awakened by the Strength of Humilty!
Remain Mindful by the Truth shown in Gentleness!
For through these 3 virtues the harmful overtures of Spiritual Arrogance can be overcomed,
And victory can certainly be ours.

For without the curbing of one's Arrogance, there is no way any of the 6 Great Virtues and beyond can be perfected. That is a reminder that with well-fed Arrogance looming around ,No Form of Spiritual Advancement can be won.... No Virtues can be attained... and no Learning can be received, because one's Egoistical Arrogance Already pridefully Knows!!!!!!...

Om Mani Padme Hum!


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