Sunday, December 25, 2005

Hung Over and thinking of Christmas meanings

As the song goes: " O, holy night, The stars are brightly shining, it is the night of our dear Saviour's birth"

Its Christmas day... for one day in a year many people brought up in the western christian culture will do their utmost best if only for a few moment to be the best that they can be in the Spirit of Charity, Care and Love.

Many remember Jesus Christ the patriach of the Christians in his Ultimate act of Selflessness, to give himself up as a Sacrifice to atone for the sufferings/sins of man. Personally, I prefer to remember the Bodhisattva Jesus in his daily acts of living in kindness and compassion. Jesus performed many miracles, but the biggest and most powerful miracle he performed was in transforming the minds of people brought up in aggression and violence. He made humanity remember that althopugh an eye for an eye is a fair way to handle things, the way of peace and forgiveness is the truth of Ultimate Justice.

Forgiveness benefits the transgressor and the forgiver. It helps both parties to train in many different virtues of the heart, it reminds us of how futile harboring anger or hatred is, in anger or hatred the only one that ultimately ends up in pain is oneself. Jesus showed Love to all beings great or small, Men or Women.... no bias, no labels. In terms of Buddhism... Jesus was perfect in the 6 paramitas... in particular of Equanamity.

Lets us all remember this great Bodhisattva Mahasattva's celebration of birth, not in his ending act where he ended up a mutilated man on a wooden cross... but remember him in his way of life where he showed us how to live a Noble life with a Virtuous Heart. To respect others, to respect ourselves and most of all to respect and pay homage to the Divine above and within us.

Merry Christmas everyone... May the Light of Christmas bring forth tides of Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Gentleness and patience in all our lives and all the lives of people whom we meet. May this Light within and without grow from a single spark into a bonfire of warmth, happiness and sharing.....

Shanti, Peace, Aman, Tai Peng, Paix, Frieden, Vrede


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