Thursday, December 29, 2005


Patiently learning to BE Patient is in itself a lesson in Patience...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Sayings from the Kalama Sutra

Condensed Essence of The Kalama Sutra:

Do not believe in anything (simply) because you have heard it.

Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.

Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumoured by many.

Do not believe in anything (simply) because it is found written in your religious books.

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.

But after observation and analysis when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conductive to the good and benefit of one and all then accept it and live up to it.

- The Kalama Sutra

Above is a foundation Sutra of the Buddhist Theravadan School, this is the basis by which the Buddha taught his doctrines. In times of self doubt, uncertainty and listlessness... one should always refer the basic teaching to help refocus one's mind onto the path.

Be it the Sutras ( Sanskrit or Pali ), The Bible ( Greek, Hebrew, Archaic or English ), The Quran ( and its supporting doctrines ), The Vedas ( and its supporting doctrines ), Tao Te Ching or any of the ancient books that have inspired millions... Although even THOSE we are not supposed to believe on Blind faith alone... We are to study, contemplate and apply that whichis apt for us at the time.... Because in the end, no one can be responsible for our practice and our lives other than via our own decisions and judgments... Hence, we should be ready to face that which needs to be faced and learn that which needs to be learnt... Life's spiritual lessons given to ourselves according to our own karma.

Om Shri Mani Hum

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Hung Over and thinking of Christmas meanings

As the song goes: " O, holy night, The stars are brightly shining, it is the night of our dear Saviour's birth"

Its Christmas day... for one day in a year many people brought up in the western christian culture will do their utmost best if only for a few moment to be the best that they can be in the Spirit of Charity, Care and Love.

Many remember Jesus Christ the patriach of the Christians in his Ultimate act of Selflessness, to give himself up as a Sacrifice to atone for the sufferings/sins of man. Personally, I prefer to remember the Bodhisattva Jesus in his daily acts of living in kindness and compassion. Jesus performed many miracles, but the biggest and most powerful miracle he performed was in transforming the minds of people brought up in aggression and violence. He made humanity remember that althopugh an eye for an eye is a fair way to handle things, the way of peace and forgiveness is the truth of Ultimate Justice.

Forgiveness benefits the transgressor and the forgiver. It helps both parties to train in many different virtues of the heart, it reminds us of how futile harboring anger or hatred is, in anger or hatred the only one that ultimately ends up in pain is oneself. Jesus showed Love to all beings great or small, Men or Women.... no bias, no labels. In terms of Buddhism... Jesus was perfect in the 6 paramitas... in particular of Equanamity.

Lets us all remember this great Bodhisattva Mahasattva's celebration of birth, not in his ending act where he ended up a mutilated man on a wooden cross... but remember him in his way of life where he showed us how to live a Noble life with a Virtuous Heart. To respect others, to respect ourselves and most of all to respect and pay homage to the Divine above and within us.

Merry Christmas everyone... May the Light of Christmas bring forth tides of Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Gentleness and patience in all our lives and all the lives of people whom we meet. May this Light within and without grow from a single spark into a bonfire of warmth, happiness and sharing.....

Shanti, Peace, Aman, Tai Peng, Paix, Frieden, Vrede

Friday, December 23, 2005

Words of the Divine Mother in the Guise of a Human Nun

Many years have passed since her return to the Divine abodes; but as i was churning through my files and docs, I came across these words said by the late great Mother Teresa, who to me was truly a face of Compassion, an earthly manifestation of the Divine Mother to show us true love, true grace and true sacrificial love. I wanted to remember these words, because as with all Spiritual Paths the essence of practice is to go against the tides of Despair that threaten to steer us away from the Ultimate Goal... but as Mother here points out, we should utilise these very tides and use them to propel ourselves forward into a growth of Mind, Body and Spirit. Om Mani Padme Hum.

Words of the Great Mother Teresa the true face of Compassion on Earth.

Do It Anyway!

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered-- Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives-- Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies-- Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you-- Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight-- Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous-- Be happy anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough-- Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God-- It was never between you and them -- anyway. – Mother Teresa

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Simple acts

A Simple act of Kindness can another's Saddened heart be changed,
A Simple act of Kindness can our own Burdened heart unchain.

A Simple act of Care can in others courage give,
A Simple act of Care can our heart courageous be.

A Simple act of Help can in others Hope arise,
A Simple act of Help can boundless our Hopeful Hearts be.

A Simple heart of Noble thoughts can a beacon of Love for others be,
A Noble mind of Simple needs how Happy our life can be.

A Loving Heart with thoughts of Light, can comfort to others bring,
A Mind of Light with acts of Love, to ourselves a happy life we bring.

A Virtuous Mind, A Compassionate Heart from a Simple one creates,
A Sagely one, A Being of Light from a Simple act begins....

Saturday, December 17, 2005

A prayer to the divine mother

Hum! Great Mother of Compassion, Kuan Yin!
If there be any signs, please reveal them to me, I pray.
If there are any miracle, please bestow them upon me, I pray.
If there are any messages, please tell me, I pray.
If there are any dangers, please protect me, I pray.
If there are any obstacles in front of me, please warn me I pray.
If there are any valuable lessons to be learnt, I pray that you please teach me...

Om! Great Mother of Boundless Love, Tara!
Help me - to learn how to hear your nectar-like voice of Love in all mantras, all voices, all sounds.
Guide me - To be aware of your teachings that manifest themselves in each and every incident, event and encounter throughout my daily life.
Inspire me - To develop skillful means in bringing comfort and confidence in the hearts of other to relieve them of pain, and in turn may I understand deeply the way to relieve my own pains and in time to relieve All Pains!
Lead me - To be a your light in the lives of others and in turn to find the light in others that may they and myself grow together in light from a Spark to a Beacon.
Bless me - To realise the Wisdom Teachings and Compassionate Practices of each and every Dharma Door both Great and Small.

To You, Great Mother with a multitude of forms manifested to care for the multitudes of beings in the 10 directions, and yet is beyond all forms, I bow down.
To You, Great Mother whose voice calms the most turbulent minds and heals the most shattered of hearts, I give praise!
To You, Great Mother! Who binds not but liberates, Punishes not but guides, Asks not but gives, Discourages not but empowers, to you Divine Mother, I humbly seek refuge!

Hum! Sri Guru Om, Sri Guru Hum!
Hrim! Om Shri Hum! Om Shri Hum!
Hrih! Om Mani Padme Hum! Om Mani Padme Hum!
Tam! Om Tare Hum! Om Tare hum!
Om! Om Hum! Om Hum!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Personal Praise To Tara

O Great Mother Tara,
You, who are born from the compassionate tears of Kuan Yin,
You are the distilled PURE essence of Supreme Bodhicitta!
Just as a Baby believes in faith that its mother is All Powerful
So too we your humble children believe that you are:
All Protective, All Seeing, All Lovong, All Pervasive!

O mother Tara, Great Tara-ma
You are the Ultimate Wisdom,
You are the Awakener of the Buddha Nature that lies Sleeping within us...
You ARE the Liberator.

O Mother Tara,
Lovelier than the sunrise, more pleasant than a cool breeze...
You are Strength, You are Love, You are Life!
You are Wisdom, You are Truth, You ARE my guiding Light!
You are the very power of Loving-Kindness shown towards me by others,
When I am in helpless Despair and in Utter Dire Need.
You are those beings of kindly Nature and Caring dispositions that comfort me in times of pain.
YOU... are the Supreme Friend for you are always with me

O Mother Tara! Sri Tara! Sri Tara,
Mother of all mothers, most loving and kind!
May I too soon be a channel and tool of your Boundless Love and Borderless Kind-Heart for others,
May I be a Tara to them... just as these others have also been a Tara towards me.

Om Sri Hum

Monday, December 05, 2005

Dharma from Pets

Value every being around you! Take not for granted any one, even if that being is an adopted friend called a pet. For they have shown us kindness in taking rebirth as an animal to teach us many valuable lessons in life!

A pet teaches us the basic lesson of humanity's values and virtues. They teach us to value friendships, to adopt a heart of giving and to bring happiness to others. A pet brings that kind of energy into any one, be they young or old and even a person with the hardest hearts and darkest of souls will soften down and brighten up in the presense of a loving loyal pet.

Pets listens if we want to speak, and many intuitively "know" when their human friends are in need and they will offer all that theyhave in order to bring happiness into the human's life! In return the pet friend asks for the most basics of necessities, Like food, water, shelther and loving affection.

It is a shocking revelation when I finally realise that pets and animals are teaching humans to remember how to be humans and treat each other with heartfelt humanity... the forgotten spirit of human values.

For those who have adopted animal friends into their homes as a pet or as family, rejoice! rejoice! rejoice! For you very blessed indeed, blessed indeed! You have been blessed by the divine with a gentle lesson and chance to learn how to care for another being who will from that moment be totally dependent on you for its happiness, health and survival. And in return, you will receive selfless affection, power of a gentle heart and the gift of lifelong friendship. Cherish them cherish them, treat them well, treat them swell, for it is in giving true friendship to others that we will receive the best qualities of a friend in our lives.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

My Enemy and Me

The one whom is my ENEMY is my Greatest of Allies,
For he reflects the true nature of my being and
teaches me Patience, Tolerance and Forgiveness
Of which otherwise, never would I learn.

The one to whom I am Hated or an Enemy to
is my RAREST TREASURE found,
For he reminds me many IMPERFECTIONS have I and
teaches me to be Kindly in Actions, Loving in Speech and Mindful in Thought,
Of which otherwise, disaster will my imperfections lead me.

Whether friend or foe, lover or enemy each person we I encounter is a truly blessed one sent by the divine to honor you with a chance to develop virtues and all insights attain. For without these blessed ones all attainments are possible not, but with the blessed ones ANY attainment is within sight. I ask myself.... Am I ready to truly SEE? Am I ready to clearly UNDERSTAND? Am I courageous enough to be deserving of True Hope ?

Om Shri Hum

Saturday, December 03, 2005

We are the Heart of Peace

All of us have little brooks, rivers, puddles and longkangs to cross before we face our Ocean of Samsara to reach the Ultimate Shore of Enlightenment. As friends or dharma siblings let's support and assist one another to brave the little puddles and ponds we face while we strive to work towards one day taking on the great Ocean of Samsara.

Let us not Judge but encourage, let us not Criticise but Advise, let us not SHOUT but Listen with a True Heart and most of all, let us not Slander the ones we despise but Find the Good in them. Let us Harmonise in the face of Chaos that our heart's compassion will open as we pray for World Peace in which WE as its citizens IS the HEART.

Be Kind, Be caring and Be Helpful

Friday, December 02, 2005

A Friend Along The Way

A friend found along the path of a Spiritual Seeker is a true gem indeed. The path of spirituality is indeed a long and difficult path that requires much patience, perseverence and supreme effort. A true spiritual path is not achieved overnight. For those who are on the cultivation practice of a method that attains enlightenment in one lifetime, those beings are imbued with great fortune indeed, for in order to reach a state to be able to TRULY practice such teachings these beings must have undergone lifetimes over lifetimes of refining in order to collect the necessary merits and spiritual qualifications to embark upon such a journey.

Most who encounter such practices only but plant seeds in hopes of awakening in a future life for if they deeply analyse themselves they will realise in this time an age, distractions are high, merits are low and foundations of practice are even lower. Thus, that is one more reason why such practices are RARE indeed, true practitioners of these teachings are even more rare.

Thus, most beings embark upon a longer path with many different roads that lead towards the same peak. And along such a path to find a Helpful Friend along the way is like finding a Bright Lamp in throes of Shadow and Darkness... a rare treasure indeed! Such a friend illuminates the way that we stumble not, uplifts us when we fall, brightens that which is darkened by fear and grief, strengthens when we are weak and encourages when our spirit is in utter despair.

But if we are truly seekers of the spiritual light, we should not be one who searches for such a friend, but instead, we should BE that one who others searches for... WE should be that friend. For by being such a friend, one Advances along the spiritual path by Stopping to be Helpful to one who has Stumbled, one gains Speed by Slowing down to be Kind to one in need and one's progress is Quickened by Giving Time to Care for those who have fallen behind. That is the huge paradox and irony of true spiritual practice because it is in giving that one receives, as it is in being the precious friend that one in turn receives friends of good and noble natures in return.